The Weekly Baguette
The Weekly Baguette My daughter and I have been making baguettes every week for about a year now. She and I are the two who eat them for breakfast a couple times a week so we go through them fast. Most recipes out there use bread flour but we decided to go with a recipe that's more like french baguettes and use normal all-purpose flour, not bread flour. I used to use half bread flour until my daughter who accidentally made this recipe while playing with extra dough and it turned out great; crispy crust and light. Here's my basic recipe for beginners, I'll add some pro tips and gram measurements at the end. The main problem with using cup measures is when you pack flour it really changes the amounts so it's always better to go with a scale if you have one. Anyway, here it is. 3 1/2 cups of all purpose flour, like King Arthur. Not whole wheat, white wheat, or bread flour. You can add a tablespoon of whole wheat if you want 1 1/2 tsp salt 3/4 tsp of acti...